The Magic of Music!

‘Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.’


There is something magical about jamming along with a room full of musicians! It’s just so energising, inspiring and soul connecting! I love to watch the magic of music unfold… as a seemingly shy and reserved person can suddenly be transformed with an empowered confidence, while fully encloaked in music’s shroud. It’s incredible to witness how whilst talking to others in conversion our words may appear clumsy and stuttered, yet when we sing our words instantly become clearer, coherent and more compelling! It’s like an untapped super power! 😊

I truly believe that music has an innate power to touch each of us on some level, no matter our age, no matter our background… It moves our hearts and souls in a way that is truly timeless…. a universal language.

So today I just wanted to pop on here and write a little ‘THANK YOU’ to all my fellow musicians for jamming along with me at last night’s monthly Acoustic Jam Session, ‘Community’ ‘Friendship’ and ‘Inspiration’ are all words that spring to mind! True ‘LIVE’ music like that is so pure, so real, so raw and totally unfiltered that it simply makes my spirit sing… for we share in the laughter and joy of creating music of the moment… it doesn’t have to be perfect to be shared… it just has to be enjoyed together! It’s like my rocket fuel 😁 I feel my heart fill with boundless energy and my soul enlighten with positive hope for a brighter world.

‘Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.’

Maria von Trapp

11th November 2022 Farnsfield Cricket Club

‘Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.’

Lao Tzu


Fall into Autumn with me…


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