Welcome to my Blog!

Hello and welcome to my first ever blog! Whoop! 😍

Thank you hugs for taking the time to get to know me better! 😄

Sometimes I might get time to write lots on here, other times not so much but I’m exciting to begin and it’s a new moon tonight so it seems like the perfect time to start this! 🌚

I’ve been busy working on this website for a good few months now and love how it’s coming along… Especially as I’m no computer wiz! 😂 Life is busy as we’re now in festival season and I’m just loving being busy again! Festivals hold a special place in my heart! I love the vibes, positive energy and the way that everyone is welcome to be themselves at a festival! Does that make sense? You can wear what you want, dance how you want and be truly authentically YOU!!

Baby Bops and Toddle Bops has finished for the term and my boys have now broken up for Summer Holidays so I’m looking forward to spending lots of time together having adventures and making happy summer memories! 🌞

Wishing you all a happy summer!

Happy hugs

Becky x


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